
Trademark Renewal Online

trademark is any unique expression related to a product or service that distinguishes it from others. This expression could be a word, slogan, photograph, logo, graphic, colour combination, sound or even smell.

A registered trademark has 10 years of validity. After that it needs renewal. You do not need to worry if you forget to renew it as you will receive a prior notice at your registered office regarding the renewal of your trademark. Usually, companies forget to renew their trademark. So, the Registrar informs them regarding the same 6 months before expiration. Still, if there is no action from your side, then Registrar issues a statement which says that your trademark would be removed from the Trade Mark Journal. It is a very long process and takes at least 6-12 months after expiration. So before that, you can renew it by just paying the amount of fine to the department.

The trademark renewal can be done to be in two ways

  1. You can apply renewal to do any change in the already existing trademark like change colours, slogan.
  2. You can apply renewal without a change.

There are charges for TM renewal.

Rs 4000 with form TM-12

Everyone should be careful regarding the dates of renew  and keep a regular check to avoid any delay in filing the trademark renewal

The three important steps are as follows

  • Form fill at the time: to renew the TM the applicant has to fill the form without doing any mistake.
  • Pay the Required Fees: As the renew form fill process is complete. You need to submit the renewal fee as per the required class i.e; 5000 per class.
  • Keep TM Tracking: Once you complete all the procedure, make sure you do the proper tracking to ensure the correct filing of Trademark Renewal.

Our Exclusive services

  • Consultation
  • Application Preparation
  • Application Filing
  • Same day Filing
  • Government Fees

Trademark Renewal Process

  • The application of renewal is made in form TM-12
  • The application can be made by either registered owner of the trademark or an agent authorised by him.
  • It is very important that you take the help of a professional to file for renewal of a trademark application to ensure that the mark is well protected. This is because you may want to broaden the scope of protection. After all, if your brand has survived 10 years, it’s likely that it would have outgrown the classes you had first registered it under.
  • Filing a trademark renewal application extends protection by another 10 years. The trademark registrations are valid for another 10 years and must be renewed again before expiry.

Advantages of Trademark Renewal

  • Exclusive Rights
  • Builds trust and Goodwill
  • Differentiates Product
  • Recognition to product’s Quality
  • Creation of Asset
  • Use of ® symbol
  • Protection against infringement
  • Protection for 10 Years at low cost
  • Global Trademark Registration
  • Attract Human Resources

Frequently asked questions

What are the advantages of trademark renewal?

A trademark could be an image of cause or quality. It’s usually thought of as a brand. It represents the name and goodwill of a business or product. Within us, trademark rights area unit no heritable through the use of a mark on merchandise or services. A trademark could also be registered at the state or federal level; but, registration isn’t essential to own rights in a mark, however, there are separate benefits to having a federal or state registration.

What are the documents required for trademark renewal?

Copy of trademark Id proof Address proof Copy of registration certificates

Is this possible that we can fill the trademark renewal after the expiry?


What is difference between a trademark registration and a Trademark renewal?

The trademark registration is the registration process of trademark .it takes different documents and it’s a new registration of TM. The trademark renewal is renewal of trademark of after expiration of TM with in 6 to 12 months